The benefits of being a Thoughtworker
At Thoughtworks Brazil, you will have the opportunity to work in a dynamic environment and be part of a vibrant community of diverse and passionate technologists.
We offer thoughtful well-rounded benefits to support your personal and professional development goals, as well as your health and wellbeing needs. Benefits packages are periodically reviewed to provide the best work experience.

Be a lifelong learner
Lead a healthy lifestyle
We care for the health of our Thoughtworkers and offer a number of programs and benefits to support this.

Care is Thoughtworks Brazil's mental, emotional and well-being program. Our Care program, Cuidado, aims to support professional and personal development through three pillars: self-care, content sharing and support, and support. Within each pillar, several initiatives are offered that are designed to meet the needs of our people.

We offer national health and dental plans for employees and dependents (spouse and children).

PAT, Programa de Apoio ao Thoughtworker (Thoughtworker Support Program) provides professional and confidential assistance when our people and their dependents need access to a psychologist, lawyer, social worker or financial consultant.

All employees are covered by life insurance. In case of death or disability retirement of an employee, the beneficiary receives the total amount of 24x the employee salary.

Work from anywhere

Supporting inclusion, equity and diversity

We provide a monthly allowance to help cover costs for internet and lights so that you can effectively work from home during the current pandemic.

To help make your home office set up a comfortable one, we fund or loan ergonomic equipment such as chairs, keyboards, laptop accessories and support.

Our "Transposing Barriers" (Transpondo Barreiras) program for trans employees or dependents provides a monthly reimbursement for medication and/or consultations.

Upon completing 10 years at Thoughtworks, an employee is entitled to one, 12-week paid leave. For every additional five years with the company, they are entitled to six-weeks of paid leave.

We provide up to three months of unpaid leave within a one-year period for those who need to be absent from their activities.

We offer 180 days of maternity leave and 20 days of paternity leave.

After maternity or paternity leave we offer the employee a 100% home office contract for three months.

Employees with children up to seven years of age are offered daycare or nanny assistance.

A food voucher is offered per working day of the month for each employee. This benefit is provided through a Mastercard card that is accepted in restaurants, supermarkets, bakeries, cafeterias, etc.

Transportation vouchers are provided (when we go back to the office) for anyone who needs it. Parking vouchers are also available for some of our offices. You can choose one of these voucher options.

We encourage and recognize referrals with a bonus payment for each referral that is hired.

We make our inventory of used laptops available after the "end of life" for purchase with a discount in installments on the payroll for employees

In addition to the above benefits, we also offer the following:
- English, Spanish and Sign-language classes
- Community events, celebrations and birthday recognitions
- Annual office celebration events
- A monthly subsidy, with a partner company, which generates a discount on the tuition fee of several national and international gyms.
- Partnership discounts with many different companies.