The Dream

The clown was filled with life
as he traveled from town to town
Spreading his joy and happiness
wherever he saw a frown
Journeying one day he happened upon a man
Who had the saddest face of anyone in the land
Why, said he, should it be
that you sit here and cry
I’ve lost all my money and my lands
said the man with a sigh
But money can’t buy happiness
the clown honestly replied
The only joy that you’ll find
is locked deep inside.
So get on your feet and walk with me for a mile
and I’ll show you things to make you smile
So on they walked until they came
to a slow moving stream
And looking down into its bed
the man saw it was a dream
For only one reflection was cast in the stream
All that was said he felt might be true
That happiness is really up to me and you
That living life for gold and silver was no fun
For money cannot buy the sunset when the day is done.

About Emma Morgaine Croft

I have been called many things on my journey, Professor, White Wolf, Rainbow Warrior and Spirit Walker. I had a blog on for a number of years. I think the last post was when Papa passed back in 2012. I had also written for World Wide Hippies online mag for a year or so and even won a Golden Note for online writing. I got burned out writing and decided to stop for a bit. The only writing I did was comments on things I shared on Facebook. Unfortunately, that often got into a lot of angry and ugly talk. I try to maintain my cool, but there are just some unreasonable people out there. I found it emotionally and spiritually draining. I saw my niece's blog on here and thought that maybe it was time to resurrect Thoughts On A Cloudy Day. These are my thoughts and meanderings. You can accept them or walk away. I hope that in some way, these thoughts can spark other thoughts and sharing by people around the world. My dream is to make the world a better place for all people. My heart to your heart, one hear, one spirit.
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