

I have been called many things on my journey, Father Ed, Professor, Big Ed, White Wolf, Rainbow Warrior and Spirit Walker. I had a blog on blogger.com for a number of years. I think the last post was when Papa passed back in 2012. I had also written for World Wide Hippies online mag for a year or so and even won a Golden Note for online writing. I got burned out writing and decided to stop for a bit. The only writing I did was comments on things I shared on Facebook. Unfortunately, that often got into a lot of angry and ugly talk. I try to maintain my cool, but there are just some unreasonable people out there. I found in emotionally and spiritually draining. I saw my niece’s blog on here and thought that maybe it was time to resurrect Thoughts On A Cloudy Day. These are my thoughts and meanderings. You can accept them or walk away. I hope that in some way, these thoughts can spark other thoughts and sharing by people around the world. My dream is to make the world a better place for all people. My heart to your heart, one hear, one spirit.

1 Response to About

  1. Melissa says:

    I attended one of your workshops at First Event 2018
    To say the least it was inspirational
    I have been a Chef in Boston for over 25 years. I am at a big stage in my life. I was looking online etc, and I do not see any openly Transgender Chef. Maybe I could be the first. Any thoughts?

    Thank You again for enlightening me the difference between passing and being



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